The project is a digital interactive addition to a collage of Chinese tea wrappers that I have been drinking for the past three years.

I have always loved teas and drank them in exorbitant quantities, but I went deeper into the topic of Chinese teas since 2015.

Open Tea Collage

Tea collage

One of the my favorite tea sort is shu and shen pu-erh; traditionally they are made in the form of pressed cakes. Very often they are wrapped in a paper wrapper with a beautiful art made for particular tea by order of a store or supplier. I always felt sorry to throw out these wrappers, so I came up with the idea to cut fragments out of them and present the fragments in the form of a collage.

Now this collage hangs in a frame under the glass, and there is a QR code in its center that leads to this site, where you can see what the whole wrappers looked like, fragments of which are shown on the collage and read more about each tea.

At the same time, this site is my learning project, where I decided to refresh my knowledge of modern frontend development technologies. In general, my specialization is backend development, but sometimes I try to look into related areas to stay up to date 🙂