Check out


🔶 Executing your GitHub action locally (or at any other environment).

🔶 Writing integration and functional tests, run them locally and at CI.

🔶 Having a short feedback loop without pushing and checking it behaviour at real GitHub runners every time.


✅ Supports executing JavaScript and Docker actions.

✅ Tested under Windows, Linux and macOS locally and on GitHub hosted runners.

✅ Works well with Docker Desktop under Windows and macOS (for Docker actions).

✅ Can be used with any JavaScript test frameworks or alone.

✅ Can execute an explicitly specified js file or main, pre, post script from action.yml.

✅ If you need to mock dependencies in a JS action, it can execute and test a separate sync or async JS function, isolating its environment (process env, exitCode and working dir), intercepting stdout and stderr output.

✅ Has a clear JavaScript API with TypeScript declarations and reasonable defaults

✅ Provides a uniform way of setting action run options which can be reused for different targets